I am looking forward to the cold days of winter when I can hibernate. The Danes have a word Hygge.. There isn’t a direct English translation but it essentially means cozy, comfort, I want to experience Hygge. I want to fall into my studio and create. It is time for an end to summer’s distractions. Creativity requires space, quiet, boredom. I have worked so very hard this year with art fairs and preparing a professional and home hosting program for a group from Kazakhstan added to my usual summer travels, golfing, time with family and friends. It all leaves very little space in the mind for exploring new paths.
Having said that, I have some goals to accomplish over the winter. I want to continue to explore color and especially color in the skies. I want to create some larger gallery size pieces and if I like the result the next challenge will be framing. I have never been trained as an artist which is good and bad. I don’t know the rules so I am free to break them. At the same time, I would like to improve my compositions. I have a hefty new book on art and composition to work my way through. Finally, trees are a persistent challenge for me. They tend to turn into green blobs when felted. I can always rescue them but there must be an easier way. I signed up for Moy Mackay’s class on trees. I am hoping to find new inspiration and create beautiful trees with less effort. As you can see, I will still be challenging myself. 😏😏 and looking forward the Hygge.